Networking for a Cause in Spring Valley!
Our District's newest Satellite Rotary Club was launched on Tuesday, November 14, in Spring Valley, bringing with it opportunities for community volunteers and leaders to connect and to take action within the community and beyond. The Spring Valley Satellite Rotary Club will sport less of the formalities of traditional Rotary Clubs, hosting after-hours social gatherings and an occasional Friday lunch meeting each month to network for the cause of community service.
The group is sponsored by IV Sunrise Rotary which serves the greater Illinois Valley area. Several members of the Sunrise Rotary Club were on hand to welcome eleven of the Spring Valley Charter members into our Rotary family.
Rotarian Stan Wolf presented Charter Members with a Rotary pin and charter member materials. PDG Scott Shore, who helped in the Club's formation, presented the Charter and Rotary's congratulations on behalf of the District. Additional Charter Members unable to be present, will be installed at a future meeting.
The Club selected its officers and initial board, naming Aseret Loveland as Chair, and voted to participate initially in two projects, including help with Starved Rock Runners "Santas On The Run" 5K run and 1 mile walk in Spring Valley on November 25 to benefit the Hall Township Food Pantry,. The Club will also partner with IVCC students to place new "Little Free Libraries" in Spring Valley. Additional projects will be considered as well.
Formation of a Satellite Club (with 8 or more members to start) is an excellent opportunity to expand Rotary to include younger members in their own group or to bring networking and service to an underserved community, or to provide a new meeting time and format attractive to new Rotarians. The Satellite Club becomes a committee of the sponsor Club -- what a great way to grow your own Club's membership, too! For more info contact our District Membership Chair, Dave McCully, David McCully at or email
Spring Valley Satellite Rotary Club's Charter Night was held November 14 at Valley Bar And Grill. Among those present were: (L-R seated) Illinois Valley Sunrise Rotarian Stan Wolf, Past Rotary District Governor Scott Shore, and Charter Members Lisa Holocker, Jen Heredia, Aseret Loveland, Vickie Chiesi, (L-R standing) Jack Boroski, Steve Lamis, David Loveland, Walt Marini, Debb Lagenski, and Bob Zeglis. Several others who could not be present will be installed at the Club's next meeting or social event.
Illinois Valley Rotarian Stan Wolf welcomed Spring Valley Mayor Walt Marini and Economic Development Director Debb Lagenski as Charter Members of the newly formed Spring Valley Satellite Rotary Club at the new group's charter event held November 14 at Valley Bar and Grill. Fellow Charter Member Bob Zeglis is in background. Eleven of the Club's initial Charter membership was installed. Several others who could not be present will be welcomed at the Club's next meeting or social event.
Vickie Chiesi is welcomed by Illinois Valley Sunrise Rotarian Stan Wolf as one of eleven Charter Members of Spring Valley Satellite Rotary Club on November 14. The new organization will sport less formality than a traditioinal Club, concentrating on providing an opportunity for local volunteers and leaders to connect for the cause of community service.
Aseret and David Loveland are welcomed by IV Sunrise Rotarian Stan Wolf as Charter Members of the Spring Valley Satellite Rotary Club, as fellow Charter Member Steve Lamis (left) looks on. Aseret Loveland will serve as Chair of the newly formed community service group. --